

Wiener Kongresszentrum Hofburg Betriebsges.m.b.H. (Media Owner)
Heldenplatz, 1010 Wien, Austria
T +43 1 5873666
F +43 1 5356426

Managing Director: Alexandra Kaszay
Object and purpose of business: Congress centre (to organise and stage events)

Company details
Company Registration No.: FN 80531d
VAT No.: ATU 38582903
IBAN:  AT 612011100000287059
Court of Commercial Register: Commercial Court of Vienna
Professional Association Membership: Vienna Chamber of Commerce
Designated Oversight Agency: Municipal District Office for the First District

Erste Bank, Graben 21, 1010 Vienna, Austria
IBAN: AT 612011100000287059
Oversight Agency
Designated Oversight Agency:
Municipal Department Office for the First District

Axis Filmproduktion GmbH
Bernhard AV GmbH
Cupix, Reinhold Leitner
Die Johanniter
Doll's Blumen
Fotostudio Astrid Bartl
Foto Fayer
Foto Schikola
Franz Zwickl
Habegger GmbH
Kunsthistorisches Museum Wien
Kurt Pfeifer
Lois Lammerhuber
Matthias Auder/Die Medienschlawiener
Matthias Brandstetter
Mariusz Kocurl
Luxury, please
MAC Hoffmann
Manfred Seidl
Mediasolution Veranstaltungstechnik
MOTTO Catering, Lukas Kirchgasser
Pioneer Festival, Heisenberg Media
Plantical GmbH
Richard Lesonitzky Gmbh - derleso
Safety Concepts
Spanische Hofreitschule

Images home page
Ernst Hausner
Lukas Kirchgasser
Lois Lammerhuber
Manfred Seidl
AronSuveg, Pioneers

Video home page
Produced by: Media Appart
With friendly support of:
Vienna Tourist Board
HR Inside Summit
Imperial Fitness
Event Horizon
Andreas Gallé, HOFBURG Silvesterball

Copyright Notice
The content of the Hofburg Vienna website (including all text, graphics, plans, applications, images, virtual tour and videos as well as the website design) is protected by copyright and trademark rights, irrespective of being identified by copyright or trademark symbols (e.g. ©, ®, or ™).   

Reproduction or duplication of the content is only authorised for non-commercial personal and informational consumption; however, the use of photographic images requires the prior consent of the Wiener Kongresszentrum Hofburg Betriebsgesellschaft m.b.H. Any other forms of duplication, dissemination, copying and disclosure or any other use, specifically the use of texts, portions thereof, image materials or software that can be downloaded or used directly or indirectly from the website of the Wiener Kongresszentrum Hofburg Betriebsgesellschaft m.b.H., as well as any use for commercial purposes, is not permitted without the separate written consent of the Wiener Kongresszentrum Hofburg Betriebsgesellschaft m.b.H. Change or modification of the content of these pages, including any “framing” or similar actions, is not permitted. No licence to use the intellectual property of the Wiener Kongresszentrum Hofburg Betriebsgesellschaft m.b.H. is granted through this website. Unless otherwise indicated, all labels and logos on the website of the Wiener Kongresszentrum Hofburg Betriebsgesellschaft m.b.H. are subject to trademark protection. This same condition applies foremost to corporate logos and other identifying symbols.  

This website also contains links or referrals to third party websites. The Wiener Kongresszentrum Hofburg Betriebsgesellschaft m.b.H. does not endorse the content of any linked websites and assumes no liability for such content. The Wiener Kongresszentrum Hofburg Betriebsgesellschaft m.b.H. furthermore makes no representation or warranty regarding the availability or the content of such websites and assumes no liability for damages or injury incurred by the use of such contents, regardless of their nature. Links to other websites are made available to users of this website merely for the sake of convenience. Users connecting to such websites do so entirely at their own risk. We request that you notify us immediately if one of the pages on such linked sites proves to have dubious or illegal content.

Privacy Notice

- Production: JART IT Gmbh
- Design: JART IT Gmbh
- Production of virtual tour: Reinhold Leitner, cupix
- 3D modelling: checkpointmedia AG
- Floor plans: checkpointmedia AG
- Übersetzung: Austria Sprachdienst International, Fox Coffey KG

For reasons of better legibility, the masculine form is used for personal names and personal nouns on the website. Corresponding terms apply in principle to all genders in the sense of equal treatment. The shortened language form is only for editorial reasons and does not contain any evaluation.