: Habegger


The Hofburg Vienna uses a special media service to address any severe communications breakdowns. Even the main contents of the website have been mobile-optimised, in terms of responsive design. Analogue and digital navigation systems and a Google-Indoor-Navigation support the onsite orientation.

The Hofburg Vienna also actively assists its event organisers with their communications needs through a full range of press and public relations services. Please find below more details about our services:

Editorial Services

  • A selection of the Hofburg Vienna images is available to assist with the design of your event presentation (both print and online versions) at: http://www.hofburg.com/deutsch/catering-services/fotos/
  • Incorporation into the Hofburg Vienna media work (press releases, broadcasts, selected case studies and many other options)

Fee-based services (pricing available upon request)

  • HOFBURG Passage on-screen presentation
    On-site advertisement with a PowerPoint presentation or an image video (up to 3 minutes) on our 52-inch screen in the HOFBURG Passage (between Heldenplatz and Michaelerplatz).
    120-image pictorial each day, 7 days and 7 nights
  • Newsletter advertisement
    Image of your company, together with a summary text, is inserted into our Corporate Newsletter
    Our corporate newsletter is mailed 2 times per year, with a circulation to about 8,700 German-speaking contacts and 3,000 English-speaking contacts, it boasts an average 30% open rate.

