Supporting activities:
Christmas acitivityAlso this year, instead of Christmas presents to our clients and partners, donations were made for a charitable cause. The project of the aid organization Yabonga deals with the support of traumatized children in one of the largest townships in South Africa.
Christmas acitivityAlso this year, instead of Christmas presents to our clients and partners, donations were made for a charitable cause. The project of the aid organization Yabonga deals with the support of traumatized children in one of the largest townships in South Africa.
Fundraising Dinner of the Austrian National Library
Dinner in the Zeremoniensaal, Hofburg Vienna. A contribution to the fund raising projects of the Austrian National Library.
Together, with the support of the company and the Hofburg Vienna team during the short-time work, it was possible to avoid corona-related layoffs of the team in this extremely difficult year.
Christmas acitivity
Also this year, instead of Christmas presents to our clients and partners, donations were made for a charitable cause. The project of the aid organization Yabonga deals with the support of traumatized children in one of the largest townships in South Africa.
Christmas activity
Instead of giving presents to our clients and partners Hofburg Vienna donates the money to the Yabonga Childrens Project to assist their work extending a youth center in one of South Africas largest townships.
Gala Dinner 650 years Austrian National Library
Dinner in the Zeremoniensaal, Hofburg Vienna. A contribution to the fund raising campaign: 650 years Austrian National Library.
CARE-Charity Concert
24.11.2017 in the Festsaal
Hofburg Vienna supports the charity concert
Christmas activity
Instead of giving presents to our clients and partners Hofburg Vienna donates the money to non-profit organization and supports the projects of Médicins sans Frontières.
AIDS Solidarity Gala
16.05.2015 in the Zeremoniensaal
The "Life Ball" and Hofburg Vienna fight with this gala dinner for the defeat of HIV and AIDS.
Re-Sond Beethoven II Concerts
26.-27.09.2015 in the festive halls of Hofburg Vienna.
AIDS Solidarity Gala
31.05.2014 in the Zeremoniensaal
The "Life Ball" and Hofburg Vienna fight with this gala dinner for the defeat of HIV and AIDS.
Fundraisingdinner Literary Museum of the Austrian National Library
Dinner in the Grosse Redoutensaal, Hofburg Vienna. A contribution to the fund raising campaign for the Austrian Literary of the 19th and 20th century.
Christmas activityInstead of giving presents to our clients and partners Hofburg Vienna donates the money to non-profit organization.
Gala dinner "Who CAREs 2013"
02.10.2013 in the Hofburg Vienna
The gala dinner supports the association CARE being well-known for international development cooperation and human help in order to fincane current projects.
Vernissage of "mouth and foot painting artists"
04.07.2013 in the Hofburg Vienna
The vernissage shows paintings from mouth and foot painting artits and supports their work.
Christmas activity "Hilfswerk Austria"Instead of giving presents to our clients and partners Hofburg Vienna donates the money to Hilfswerk Austria International's "Kinder in Not" campaign. By doing so, we can give children living below the poverty line and young people caught up in conflicts and natural disasters something to smile about this Christmas.
Life goes on - Tara award
01.12.2012 in the Hofburg Vienna
The Tara is awarded to people being hit by strokes of fate or facing especially hard times who nonetheless accomplish extraordinary feats. The tara is a sign of love, kindness, gentleness, compassion and helpfulness. The Hofburg Vienna supports the benefiz event in order to honour extraordinary social engagement.
ERDgespraeche 2011 (Earth talks)24.05.2011 in the Hofburg Vienna
International experts from science and environment protection talk about the latest developments and new possibilites. Togehter with NEONGREEN NETWORK also Hofburg Vienna supports the meeting and its green
Gala dinner Life Ball
21.05.2011 in the Zeremoniensaal
The "Life Ball" and Hofburg Vienna fight with this gala dinner for the defeat of HIV and AIDS. All Life Ball activities gained Euro 1,900,000 for projects on AIDS and HIV.
Charity concert "Japan in Not"
17.04.2011 in the Grosser Redoutensaal
Due to the harrowing catastrophes in Japan (earthquake, tsunami, nuclear power station Fukushima) Hofburg Vienna supports the charity concert of the Japanese Society in Austria (Nihonjinkai). The net profit will be provided to the Japanese Red Cross.
Mentory Clubabend
13.04.2011 in the Forum
Managing Director Renate Danler invited the Mentory Club to the Hofburg Vienna to talk about her CV and possible ways for women to build a better network and to get forward in business life.